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AGS Update: NSF's Ten Big Ideas

Dear Colleagues,

NSF’s FY19 budget request was recently released and one of the highlights was a firm funding request for NSF’s 10 Big Ideas.  To kick start the investment into the Big Ideas, NSF has been releasing information related to organizing and applying for funding.  In AGS, we see a role for our community in a number of the Big Ideas:


There is also an obvious connection to Mid-scale Research Infrastructure, and NSF is still working through the results of the survey that was released last Fall in preparation for a competition.

The 10 Big Ideas are likely to be a priority for NSF for a number of years, so we encourage the community to become familiar with the programs and consider whether your research could be extended/enhanced through participation.  We will keep you updated as opportunities evolve.

As always, please feel free to widely disseminate this information.

Thank you.


Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
National Science Foundation
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