MPS Rotator and Reviewer Opportunities

image of uncle einstein



Would you like to learn exciting science at the frontiers of discovery?

Would you like to facilitate the advancement of research and education in the mathematical and physical sciences?



As a Rotator:

The Division of Astronomical Sciences welcomes expressions of interest from established scientists and academics who may be interested in serving a one- to three-year assignment as a Program Officer in one of the Division's programs. Interested individuals should contact the AST Division Director or Executive Officer to discuss possible opportunities and explore the responsibilities of the position.

As a Reviewer:

The Division of Astronomical Sciences is always seeking experts in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics to serve as panelists and reviewers for proposals submitted to the Division. Potential reviewers and panelists should contact the AST Program Officer in their field of expertise to express their interest in serving as an expert reviewer.

AST Home

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As a Rotator:

The Division of Chemistry asks you to consider serving as a program officer should your circumstances permit it, and to help us identify other individuals who might serve in this capacity. Rotators are responsible for planning, coordinating, and managing programs that support basic research, education, and human resource development in the chemical sciences. Applicants should have a Ph.D. or equivalent training in the chemical sciences, extensive knowledge of one or more chemistry subfields, and at least six years of successful independent research activity. Applicants should be familiar with the chemistry community and have administrative experience. Other important attributes are strong verbal and written communication skills, organizational skills, facility in using technology tools, and the ability to work effectively on a team. If you are interested in serving as a rotator, please email us at:

As a Reviewer:

The NSF Division of Chemistry relies on merit review by members of the chemistry community. The success of the merit review process depends on the willingness of qualified reviewers to share their time and expertise generously. We invite you to learn more about NSF Chemistry, our review process, and opportunities to become a reviewer for NSF at

CHE Home

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As a Rotator:

The Division of Materials Research welcomes enquiries from established researchers and educators who may be interested in serving a one- to three-year assignment as a Program Officer in one of the Division's programs. Interested individuals should contact the DMR Division Director or Executive Officer to discuss possible opportunities and explore the responsibilities of the position. We are particularly interested in attracting women and underrepresented minority candidates to these positions. For further details, please see the DMR Dear Colleague Letter at

As a Reviewer:

The Division of Materials Research is always seeking experts to serve as panelists and reviewers for proposals submitted to the Division. Potential reviewers and panelists should contact a DMR Program Officer in their field of expertise to express interest in serving as an expert reviewer for proposals submitted to the program.

DMR Home

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As a Rotator:

The Division of Mathematical Sciences welcomes enquiries from
established researchers who may be interested in serving a, typically
two year, term as a program officer. We also seek help in identifying
other individuals who might be potential candidates. Interested
individuals should contact the DMS Executive Officer to discuss the
opportunities and responsibilities of the position. Alternatively,
they should contact the Program Directors in their particular subfield for further information on what the job entails.

As a Reviewer:

We rely heavily on the expertise of the community in making important
funding decisions - both as Program Officers and reviewers. The
success of the merit review system depends on the willingness of qualified reviewers to give their time to the process. Potential reviewers should contact a
Program Director in their particular subfield, by e-mail or telephone,
to let them know of their interest in serving as either an ad hoc mail
reviewer or panelist for proposals submitted to the program.

DMS Home

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As a Rotator:

The Division of Physics (PHY) continually seeks expressions of interest from established research physicists who may be interested in serving a one- or two- year temporary assignment as a program director in one of the Division's programs. Individuals who are interested are invited to contact the Program Director of the PHY program in their area of expertise to let the program officer know of their interest in serving as a rotator and to discuss the responsibilities of the position.

As a Reviewer:

The Division of Physics continually seeks to broaden its population of experts to serve as ad hoc mail reviewers and as panelists in reviewing physics research and education proposals submitted to the Division. Individuals who are interested in serving as reviewers are invited to contact the Program Director of the PHY program in their area of expertise to let the program officer know of their interest in serving as a reviewer for proposals to the program.

PHY Home