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October 26, 2018

4 Awesome Discoveries You Probably Didn't Hear About -- Episode 18

Catching brain hijackers, landscaping for the birds, a mussel shell tell and faster protein sequencing... much faster!

Article Titles/Links, Credited Institutions & Directorate:

BIO: For the Birds
Non-native plants in homeowners' yards endanger wildlife
University of Delaware
Migratory Bird Center, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

ENG: Alzheimer's Domino Effect
Model maps 'domino effect' of Alzheimer's protein misfolding
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stanford University
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

GEO/ENG: Freshwater Mussels
Fracking wastewater accumulation found in freshwater mussels' shells
Penn State
Union College

EdHR: New Protein Sequencing
New protein sequencing method could transform biological research
UT Austin

Original air date: October 26, 2018

Credit: NSF

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