OCE Practices on Resubmission of Declined Proposals
June 23, 2017
One-year waiting period
OCE’s practice regarding resubmission of recently declined proposals is to encourage PIs to take their time to revise their proposal and thus resubmit it no earlier than one year after the initial submission date. OCE Programs recognize that occasionally there may be special circumstances where an immediate resubmission is advisable and/or necessary for time-sensitive activities, and will communicate, as appropriate, with affected PIs.
Resubmission of a proposal that has been reviewed twice or more
OCE programs discourage further resubmissions of proposals that have not shown to be competitive for support, and all Programs follow NSF resubmission guidelines. Each Program will communicate its preferred way of implementing this policy in its Program recommendation of declined proposals.
NSF resubmission guidance
When proposals are resubmitted, they must be substantially revised in accordance with the policy outlined in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) Chapter IV.E:
“A declined proposal may be resubmitted, but only after it has undergone substantial revision. A resubmitted proposal that has not clearly taken into account the major comments or concerns resulting from the prior NSF review may be returned without review. The Foundation will treat the revised proposal as a new proposal, subject to the standard review procedures.”
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