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Regarding NSF and NASA “EXPORTS” program (6/20/17)

May 28, 2019

This community message is regarding Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) 17-032 from November 18, 2016, titled “Potential Integration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) EXport Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing (EXPORTS) Program.”

As noted in the DCL, the Division of Ocean Sciences at the National Science Foundation (OCE/NSF) is potentially interested in projects that integrate with the NASA field program intellectually and provide substantive advances in the basic scientific understandings of the "biological pump" or any associated biological, chemical, physical, or geological processes.

Proposals to OCE will be considered by the core science and technology programs, with no specific monies reserved (“set aside”) for EXPORTS-based research in science or technology. Proposals will be evaluated on their own intellectual merit and broader impacts including synergy with the EXPORTS program and cost efficiency in terms of leveraging with NASA investments.

 NSF proposals to participate on and/or align with the first EXPORTS field campaign (Pacific Ocean) will be accepted for review within the appropriate OCE core science and technology programs beginning with the February 15, 2017 target date. 

With this “community message”, we remind the community that proposals of such a nature will be accepted in the context of the August 15, 2017 target date.



Rick Murray
Director, Division of Ocean Sciences

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