Welcome Dr. Daniel McCorkle, Program Director in OCE/MGG
September 3, 2019
Please join us in welcoming Dr. Daniel (Dan) McCorkle to the GEO/OCE team. Dan began his term as a rotator with the Marine Geology and Geophysics (MGG) Program on August 5, 2019. Dr. McCorkle comes to NSF from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, where he is a Senior Scientist in the department of Geology and Geophysics. He received his B.A. in Geology from Columbia University, and his Ph.D. in Chemical Oceanography from the University of Washington. His research interests center on the carbon cycle in the oceans and seafloor sediments, in both the modern ocean and during natural climate cycles in the past. Much of his recent work has focused on understanding the controls on the carbonate chemistry of coastal waters, including coral reef ecosystems, and the impact of ocean acidification on corals, shellfish, and other marine organisms.
Dr. McCorkle replaces Dr. Larry Peterson, who has returned to the University of Miami after wrapping up his rotator term earlier this summer.
Terry Quinn
Division Director, OCE
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