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Welcome Dr. Elizabeth Canuel and Dr. Katsumi Matsumoto to OCE

October 12, 2021

Please join the Division of Ocean Sciences in welcoming Dr. Elizabeth Canuel and Dr. Katsumi Matsumoto to the Chemical Oceanography (CO) program. Dr. Canuel and Dr. Matsumoto will join lead program officer Hedy Edmonds and IPA (rotator) Kanchan Maiti, expanding the program to four program officers for the first time.
Dr. Canuel is rejoining NSF as a federal employee, having previously served as a rotator with the CO program from 2018-2020. Dr. Canuel has been a member of the faculty at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science/William & Mary since 1994, and Chancellor Professor since 2018. She is an organic geochemist and her research focuses on understanding the sources, composition and fate of organic carbon in freshwater, estuarine, and marine systems. Dr. Canuel is a Fellow of the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry and a Sustaining Fellow of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography.
Dr. Matsumoto is joining the program as a rotator. He is a Professor in the Earth and Environmental Sciences department at the University of Minnesota. The general areas of his research are the carbon cycle, climate change, and their interactions using coupled models of global ocean physics and biogeochemistry. His work has explored these topics over glacial-interglacial cycles as well as studying modern processes and near-future predictions. In addition, he brings to the program for the first-time specific expertise in Great Lakes research.
Welcome aboard!
Terry Quinn
Division Director, OCE

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