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Welcome Dr. Kevin Johnson to his new role as a program officer within OCE's Ocean Drilling program

January 25, 2023


Please join the Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) in welcoming Dr. Kevin T. M. Johnson to his new role as a program officer within the Division of Ocean Science’s Ocean Drilling program. Dr. Johnson’s scientific interests and background are in Marine Geology and Geophysics with a focus in Igneous Petrology and High Temperature Geochemistry. He has served in a number of roles at the NSF including working with the Ocean Drilling Grants program (2006-2008) and most recently as a Program Director within the Division of Earth Sciences (2018-2020) and the Marine Geology and Geophysics program (2020-2023). He has a wealth of experience within the scientific drilling enterprise including having sailed on both the JOIDES Resolution and the Chikyu multiple times.  We look forward to engaging his expertise and experience in continued support of the scientific drilling enterprise.


Jim McManus,
Division Director, OCE

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