How much do S&E workers earn?
- Notes:
- S&E = science and engineering.
- Physical scientists = chemists, physicists, astronomers, and earth/ocean/atmospheric scientists.
- Health-related occupations = health/medical practitioners, technologists/technicians, and postsecondary teachers in health and related sciences.
- Other S&E-related occupations = S&E managers (including health/medical services), S&E precollege teachers, architects, actuaries, and S&E-related postsecondary teachers.
Individuals employed in S&E occupations earn considerably more than the median earnings for all occupations. Median earnings for S&E occupations were $74,380 in 2009 and $78,270 in 2012. Median earnings for all occupations were $33,190 in 2009 and $34,750 in 2012.
Key Observations
- In 2012, the median earnings for workers in S&E occupations (regardless of education level or field) were $78,270, more than double the median ($34,750) for all U.S. workers.
- Median S&E salaries in 2012 ranged from $67,660 for social scientists/psychologists to $86,500 for engineers.
- The median earnings for biological/agricultural/ environmental life scientists grew by 0.8% annually between 2009 and 2012, a rate less than the annual growth for all occupations (1.5%).