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1. Significant Changes SBIR - Phase II Grant General Conditions, October 1, 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number sbirii1010sigch
Document Number: sbirii1010sigch 
Document History: Posted:  September 30, 2010. 
2. SBIR - Phase II Grant General Conditions, October 1, 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number sbirii1010
Document Number: sbirii1010 
Document History: Posted:  September 30, 2010. 
3. General Grant Conditions (GC-1) October 1, 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number gc1010
Document Number: gc1010 
Document History: Posted:  September 29, 2010. 
4. Significant Changes in GC-1, October 1, 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number gc1010sigch
Document Number: gc1010sigch 
Document History: Posted:  September 29, 2010. 
5. Cooperative Agreement Financial and Administrative Terms (CAFATC), October 1, 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number cafatc1010
Document Number: cafatc1010 
Document History: Posted:  September 29, 2010. 
6. Significant Changes to Cooperative Agreement Financial and Administrative Terms (CAFATC), October 1, 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number cafatc1010sigch
Document Number: cafatc1010sigch 
Document History: Posted:  September 29, 2010. 
7. Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Frequently Asked Questions
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number rcrfaq | PDF of Document number rcrfaq
Document Number: rcrfaq 
Document History: Posted:  August 17, 2010. 
8. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTCs) for the EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track 1 (RII-Track 1) Cooperative Agreements, (NSF 09-570)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number NSF09570TPTC000
Document Number: NSF09570TPTC000 
Document History: Posted:  August 4, 2010.  View Program Page of Document number NSF09570TPTC000
9. Academic Research Infrastructure - Recovery and Reinvestment (ARI-R2) Program Terms and Conditions
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number arir2
Document Number: arir2 
Document History: Posted:  June 24, 2010. 
10. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTC) for the International Research Network Connections Cooperative Agreement(s), (NSF 09-564)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number NSF09564TPTC000
Document Number: NSF09564TPTC000 
Document History: Posted:  June 17, 2010.  View Program Page of Document number NSF09564TPTC000
11. Individual Fellowship Terms and Conditions - May 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number fellow0510
Document Number: fellow0510 
Document History: Posted:  May 20, 2010. 
12. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTC) for the Management and Operation of the Virtual Astronomical Observatory, (NSF 08-537) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number NSF08537TPTC000
Document Number: NSF08537TPTC000 
Document History: Posted:  May 7, 2010.  View Program Page of Document number NSF08537TPTC000
13. 2009 NSF Human Capital Survey Trend Analysis
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number od10006
Document Number: od10006 
Document History: Posted:  March 26, 2010. 
14. Cooperative Agreement Financial and Administrative Terms (CAFATC), January 4, 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number NSF99999FACT004
Document Number: NSF99999FACT004 
Document History: Posted:  January 13, 2010. 
15. Cooperative Agreement Financial and Administrative Terms (CAFATC), January 4, 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number NSF99999FATC004
Document Number: NSF99999FATC004 
Document History: Posted:  January 13, 2010. 
16. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTC) for the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number NSF0817636TPTC000
Document Number: NSF0817636TPTC000 
Document History: Posted:  January 11, 2010. 
17. General Grant Conditions (GC-1) January 4, 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number gc110
Document Number: gc110 
Document History: Posted:  December 16, 2009. 
18. Significant Changes in GC-1, January 4, 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number gc110sigch
Document Number: gc110sigch 
Document History: Posted:  December 16, 2009. 
19. Administration of NSF Conference or Group Travel Award Grant Conditions
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number fl2610
Document Number: fl2610 
Document History: Posted:  December 16, 2009. 
20. Significant Changes to Administration of NSF Conference or Group Travel Award Grant Conditions
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number fl2610sigch
Document Number: fl2610sigch 
Document History: Posted:  December 16, 2009. 
21. SBIR - Phase I Grant General Conditions January 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number sbiri110
Document Number: sbiri110 
Document History: Posted:  December 16, 2009. 
22. Significant Changes SBIR - Phase I Grant General Conditions January 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number sbiri110sigch
Document Number: sbiri110sigch 
Document History: Posted:  December 16, 2009. 
23. Significant Changes SBIR - Phase II Grant General Conditions January 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number sbirii110sigch
Document Number: sbirii110sigch 
Document History: Posted:  December 16, 2009. 
24. SBIR - Phase II Grant General Conditions January 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number sbirii110
Document Number: sbirii110 
Document History: Posted:  December 16, 2009. 
25. Significant Changes to Cooperative Agreement Financial and Administrative Terms (CAFATC), January 4, 2010
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number cafatc110sigch
Document Number: cafatc110sigch 
Document History: Posted:  December 16, 2009. 
26. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTCs) for the Nanoscale Science and Engineering (NSE), (NSF 03-043) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number NSF03043TPTC000
Document Number: NSF03043TPTC000 
Document History: Posted:  August 12, 2009.  View Program Page of Document number NSF03043TPTC000
27. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTCs) for the Support and Cyberinfrastructure Development for Integrated Network Science in LTER Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number NSF0917381TPTC000
Document Number: NSF0917381TPTC000 
Document History: Posted:  August 12, 2009. 
28. U. S. Army Research Office Research General Terms and Conditions Agency Specific Requirements - June 2009
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number aro0609
Document Number: aro0609 
Document History: Posted:  June 30, 2009. 
29. Information for 2009 Minority Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number biominorityfellow09
Document Number: biominorityfellow09 
Document History: Posted:  June 30, 2009. 
30. General Programmatic Terms and Conditions (PTC) for the Plant Genome Research Project (PGRP), (NSF 06-581) Cooperative Agreement(s)
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number NSF06581TPTC000
Document Number: NSF06581TPTC000 
Document History: Posted:  June 5, 2009.  View Program Page of Document number NSF06581TPTC000

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