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Statistical Reports on Research and Development Funding and Performance
1. Federal Obligations for S&E Support to HBCUs in FY 2018 Increase 3.8% from Previous Year
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf20314 | PDF of Document number nsf20314
Document Number: nsf20314 
Document History: Posted:  May 29, 2020. 
2. Business Research and Development: 2017
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf20311 | PDF of Document number nsf20311
Document Number: nsf20311 
Document History: Posted:  February 20, 2020. 
4. R&D Spending at Federally Funded R&D Centers Surpassed $21 Billion in FY 2018
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf20306 | PDF of Document number nsf20306
Document Number: nsf20306 
Document History: Posted:  January 15, 2020. 
6. National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2017–18 Data Update
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf20307 | PDF of Document number nsf20307
Document Number: nsf20307 
Document History: Posted:  January 9, 2020. 
7. State Government R&D Expenditures Increased 3% in FY 2018; Energy-Related R&D Up 29%
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf20303 | PDF of Document number nsf20303
Document Number: nsf20303 
Document History: Posted:  December 11, 2019. 
8. Federal R&D Funding, by Budget Function: Fiscal Years 2018-20
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf20305 | PDF of Document number nsf20305
Document Number: nsf20305 
Document History: Posted:  December 4, 2019. 
9. The United States Invests More in Applied and Basic Research than Any Other Country but Invests Less in Experimental Development than China
Available Formats:  /STATISTICS/2020/NSF20304 of Document number msf20304 | PDF of Document number msf20304
Document Number: msf20304 
Document History: Posted:  December 3, 2019. 
11. Higher Education R&D Funding from All Sources Increased for the Third Straight Year in FY 2018
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf20302 | PDF of Document number nsf20302
Document Number: nsf20302 
Document History: Posted:  November 14, 2019. 
13. Microbusiness R&D and Innovation: 2016
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19323 | PDF of Document number nsf19323
Document Number: nsf19323 
Document History: Posted:  September 6, 2019. 
15. Examining Different Industry Classification Methods for Business R&D
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19324 | PDF of Document number nsf19324
Document Number: nsf19324 
Document History: Posted:  September 4, 2019. 
17. Over Half of U.S. Business R&D Performed in 10 Metropolitan Areas in 2015
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19322 | PDF of Document number nsf19322
Document Number: nsf19322 
Document History: Posted:  June 20, 2019. 
18. Federal R&D Obligations Increase an Estimated 2.7% in FY 2018
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19321 | PDF of Document number nsf19321
Document Number: nsf19321 
Document History: Posted:  June 18, 2019. 
19. Business Research and Development and Innovation: 2016
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19318 | PDF of Document number nsf19318
Document Number: nsf19318 
Document History: Posted:  May 13, 2019. 
22. Higher Education R&D Spending: Spending and Funding Sources Differ by State
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19303 | PDF of Document number nsf19303
Document Number: nsf19303 
Document History: Posted:  March 11, 2019. 
23. R&D Spending at Federally Funded R&D Centers Increases for Fourth Consecutive Year in FY 2017
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19311 | PDF of Document number nsf19311
Document Number: nsf19311 
Document History: Posted:  March 11, 2019. 
24. Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2019
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19304
Document Number: nsf19304 
Document History: Posted:  March 11, 2019. 
25. National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2016-17 Data Update
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19309 | PDF of Document number nsf19309
Document Number: nsf19309 
Document History: Posted:  February 28, 2019. 
26. Federal R&D Funding, by Budget Function: Fiscal Years 2017-19
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19312 | PDF of Document number nsf19312
Document Number: nsf19312 
Document History: Posted:  February 28, 2019. 
28. State Government R&D Expenditures Increase 7% in FY 2017; Health-Related R&D Up 13%
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19305 | PDF of Document number nsf19305
Document Number: nsf19305 
Document History: Posted:  December 20, 2018. 
29. Higher Education R&D Expenditures Increased 4.7%, Exceeded $75 Billion in FY 2017
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19302 | PDF of Document number nsf19302
Document Number: nsf19302 
Document History: Posted:  November 21, 2018. 
30. Businesses Spent $375 Billion on R&D Performance in the United States in 2016
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf18312 | PDF of Document number nsf18312
Document Number: nsf18312 
Document History: Posted:  September 25, 2018. 

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