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3. Management and Operation of the National Geophysical Observatory for Geoscience (NGEO)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf16546 | PDF of Document number nsf16546 | TXT of Document number nsf16546
Document Number: nsf16546 
Public Comment: Please refer to NSF 16-068 for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to this program solicitation.
Document History: Posted:  February 26, 2016.  View Program Page of Document number nsf16546
6. Management and Operations of the Arecibo Observatory
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf17538 | PDF of Document number nsf17538
Document Number: nsf17538 
Document History: Posted:  January 25, 2017.  View Program Page of Document number nsf17538
9. Mid-Career Advancement (MCA)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf22603 | PDF of Document number nsf22603
Document Number: nsf22603 
Public Comment: Please refer to NSF 23-022 for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to this program solicitation.
Document History: Posted:  June 14, 2022.  Replaces: nsf21516. View Program Page of Document number nsf22603
10. Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24598 | PDF of Document number nsf24598
Document Number: nsf24598 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  August 21, 2024.  Replaces: nsf22637. View Program Page of Document number nsf24598
11. Multi-Messenger Coordination for Windows on the Universe
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24542 | PDF of Document number nsf24542
Document Number: nsf24542 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  February 16, 2024.  View Program Page of Document number nsf24542
15. NSF Dynamic Language Infrastructure - NEH Documenting Endangered Languages (DLI-DEL)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf22615 | PDF of Document number nsf22615
Document Number: nsf22615 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  July 19, 2022.  Replaces: nsf20603. View Program Page of Document number nsf22615
16. NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellowship Program (EGFP)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24588 | PDF of Document number nsf24588
Document Number: nsf24588 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  July 8, 2024.  View Program Page of Document number nsf24588
17. NSF Implementation of the October 5th OMB/OSTP Joint Announcement Entitled, Hurricane Relief on Federal Research Awards
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number katrinaostpomb
Document Number: katrinaostpomb 
Document History: Posted:  October 11, 2005. 
18. NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative FacilityBoard (OOIFB) Administrative Support Office
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24557 | PDF of Document number nsf24557
Document Number: nsf24557 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  March 12, 2024.  Replaces: nsf18527. View Program Page of Document number nsf24557
19. OCE Newsletter: Making Waves, Autumn 2012
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf13014
Document Number: nsf13014 
Document History: Posted:  November 30, 2012. 
20. OCE Newsletter: Making Waves, June 2014
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf14067
Document Number: nsf14067 
Document History: Posted:  July 23, 2014. 
21. OCE Newsletter: Making Waves, Summer 2016
Available Formats:  PDF of Document number nsf16085
Document Number: nsf16085 
Document History: Posted:  July 6, 2016. 
22. Ocean Acidification (OA)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf13586 | PDF of Document number nsf13586
Document Number: nsf13586 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  August 8, 2013.  Replaces: nsf12600. View Program Page of Document number nsf13586
23. Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (OCE-PRF)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf22628 | PDF of Document number nsf22628
Document Number: nsf22628 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  August 24, 2022.  Replaces: nsf21538. View Program Page of Document number nsf22628
25. Office of Polar Programs Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (OPP-PRF)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf22635 | PDF of Document number nsf22635
Document Number: nsf22635 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  September 30, 2022.  Replaces: nsf22516. View Program Page of Document number nsf22635

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