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OPP Office Advisory Committee


November 15-16, 2004 • Stafford II — Room 595

Monday, November 15, 2004
Time Topic OAC Lead NSF/OPP Staff
8:15 Chair's Welcome and Introductions Joshua Schimel  
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8:30 OPP Director's Report
  • Budget
  • New Section for Environment, Safety, and Health
  • Personnel changes
  • Issues for special attention and OAC Advice:
  • International Polar Year:
    • Proposal Solicitation Process
    • Emerging Flagship Activities
    • Budget Set Asides
  • McMurdo Station Resupply
  • Polar Ocean Research Platforms
  • ACIA Follow-up
  • Polar Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
  • USAP User Groups
  • Proposal Success Rates
  Karl Erb
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9:00 International Polar Year (IPY):
International and National Planning Activity since the Spring OAC Meeting
  Karl Erb
Robin Bell
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9:30 Emerging Arctic IPY Flagship Activity
International SEARCH/Arctic Observing Network
  Thomas Pyle
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10:00 Break    
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10:30 Emerging Antarctic IPY Flagship Activity
Icesheet Dynamics; West Antarctic Ice Sheet Stability
  Scott Borg
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11:00 Discussion with the Director    
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Working Lunch

Discussion about IPY Proposal Solicitations



Marie Bundy
Dennis Conlin
Brian Stone
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1:00 Emerging IPY "Thrust"
Life in the Cold and Dark
  Marie Bundy
Neil Swanberg
Joann Roskowski, BIO
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1:30 IPY and Budget Constraints    
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2:00 Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA)
Planning for Response (ISAC, ICARP II)
  Robert Corell, AMS Thomas Pyle
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2:45 Options for Future Resupply of McMurdo and South Pole Stations
In light of uncertainties are USCG capabilities.
  George Blasidell
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3:15 Break    
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3:45 COV Report and Response   Erick Chiang
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5:30 Adjourn    

Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Time Topic OAC Lead NSF/OPP Staff
8:30 IPY: Logistics
To what extent can/must assets be pre-positioned?
  Brian Stone
Simon Stephenson
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9:15 Outreach and Education
How can we assure the success of the polar postdoctoral fellowship program?
What are the key outreach/education goals for IPY?
  Anna Kerttula
Renee Crain
Guy Guthridge
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10:00 Break    
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10:30 Polar Ocean Research Platforms and the NAS/NRC Study of the USCG Role   Chris Elfring, NAS/PRB
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11:15 Proposal Success Rate   Altie Metcalf
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12:00 Lunch    
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1:00 U.S. Antarctic Program Advisory User Groups   Brian Stone
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1:30 COV Wrap-up    
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2:00 Other Business    
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2:30 Adjourn    

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