NSB Science and Society Award (previously Public Service Award)

Honoring Service in promoting Public Understanding of Science and Engineering

Science and Society AwardThe NSB Science and Society Award honors individuals and groups that have made substantial contributions to increasing public understanding and appreciation of science and engineering in the United States. These contributions may be in the arts, media, education, or training programs.

Candidates for the Science and Society Award should have demonstrated outstanding leadership and accomplishment in two out of three selection criteria:

  • Enhanced public understanding and appreciation of science and technology.
  • Inspired scientists and engineers to engage with individuals of all ages in schools, civic groups, and other communities to address society needs.
  • Fostered diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

View previous award receipients.



For questions concerning the awards, please contact Nadine Lymn at nlymn@nsf.gov; (703) 292-2490.