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Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering


Students with disabilities

In 2012, about 11% of undergraduate students reported a disability. Undergraduates with disabilities are older than those without disabilities and are slightly more likely to attend a 2-year institution.

In addition, nearly one in four undergraduates with a disability enrolls in an S&E field, a proportion that is similar to those without disabilities. Undergraduates with disabilities are as likely as those without a disability to receive financial aid.

About 7% of graduate students reported a disability in 2012. Graduate students with disabilities are as likely as those without disabilities to enroll in an S&E field (about 20%).

Disability status of undergraduate students, by age and institution type: 2012

Chart of Disability status of undergraduate students, by age and institution type: 2012
Table of Disability status of undergraduate students, by age and institution type: 2012