Age at doctorate award: What are the educational expenses and employment outcomes?

Median salary

Across different types of positions, median basic salaries in 2016 for doctorate recipients with definite postgraduation commitments for employment, including postdoc study, in the United States were nearly identical for doctorate recipients age 31 to 40 at graduation and for those age 30 or younger. The oldest doctorate group (age 41 or older) reported higher median salaries than the two younger groups for employment positions in industry or business ($9,000 more) and government (about $14,000 more). Median salaries were about the same across doctorate age groups for postdoc positions, and differences were modest for those taking academic positions.

Median basic annual salary of U.S. doctorate recipients with definite commitments for employment in the United States, by position type and age at doctorate award: 2016

Position type 30 or younger 31–40 41 or older
Postdoc 45,000 45,000 45,000
Employment in academe 62,000 60,000 64,800
Employment in industry or business 100,000 100,000 109,000
Employment in government 80,000 79,000 94,000