October 3, 2000
Honorable Jacob J. Lew
Office of Management and Budget
OEOB, Room 252
Washington, DC 20503
Dear Mr. Lew:
It is with great pleasure that I forward the NSF GPRA Strategic Plan
for FY 2001-2006, as required by the Government Performance and Results
Act of 1993 (GPRA).
The last fifty years have been a remarkable journey for NSF and for science
and engineering in the United States. Our investments -- in creative people,
in innovative ideas, and in cutting-edge research and education tools
-- have led to science and engineering achievements that have literally
transformed society. NSF-supported activities have played a key role in
advancing the microelectronics industry, in leading to a better understanding
of the structure and properties of DNA, in developing information-communications
technologies, such as the Internet, and in revolutionizing our knowledge
of the cosmos and humanity's place in it. NSF-supported researchers have
been awarded over one hundred Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology,
economics, and other fields. These are just a few of the many excellent
examples of NSF-supported research and education activities that have
had a profound effect on society.
In the 21st century, NSF remains committed to ensuring the
health and vitality of the U.S. science and engineering enterprise. We
face daunting challenges and rich opportunities: responding to emerging
developments at the frontiers of science and engineering, broadening participation
by all members and regions of our nation, strengthening the connections
between scientific discovery and technological innovation, modernizing
the nation’s research and education infrastructure, and positioning the
United States to benefit from global investments in science, engineering
and technology.
As we at NSF contemplate these challenges and opportunities, we realize
that there is always a frontier to pursue. We always must keep improving
the science and engineering (S&E) enterprise, providing fresh ideas
and a continued, fundamental commitment. We will need to discard outmoded
concepts, try new approaches, and take appropriate risks. That is the
very nature of science and engineering. The journey is demanding, exciting,
and a bit precarious, but in the end, it pays enormous dividends for society.
The enclosed NSF GPRA Strategic Plan for FY 2001-2006 provides
NSF with a powerful, dynamic roadmap to continue this important journey.
The plan emphasizes outcome goals for our investments in people, ideas
and tools, and describes the three core strategies -- developing intellectual
capital, integrating research and education, and promoting partnerships
-- that, together with our core values, guide NSF in pursuing these goals.
In developing this strategic plan, NSF efforts were greatly enhanced
by the National Science Board, the broad science and engineering community,
and those who are concerned about the vitality of U.S. science and engineering,
including the Office of Management and Budget and the Congress. These
valuable and valued interactions are described in the enclosure.
Rita R. Colwell