GPRA Plan    
NSF GPRA Strategic Plan
FY 2001 - 2006



About the NSF

NSF Role

I.  Introduction

II.  Vision and Mission

III.  Outcome Goals

IV.  Strategy


Appendix 1: Critical Factors for Success

Appendix 2: External Factors Affecting Success

Appendix 3: Assessing NSF’s Performance

Appendix 4: Integration of NSF Plans with those of Other Agencies

Appendix 5: Resource Utilization

Appendix 6: Linking the Strategic Plan to the Performance Plan

Appendix 7: Crosswalk of NSF Goals and Programs

How We Operate

Our Attributes

National Science Board

Director's Policy Group


We enable people to perform by investing in their creative ideas, providing them with cutting-edge research and education tools, and supporting an infrastructure for education and learning.

We partner with a dynamic and diverse education and research community, working in a close trusting partnership while maintaining an independent perspective. We encourage partnerships among agencies, industry, academe, the states, and other nations when collaborative efforts further our goals.

We integrate and synergize the knowledge and skills of diverse disciplines and constituencies. We promote the mutual sharing of knowledge and resources. We integrate the processes of discovery, innovation and learning, and connect them to societal use.

We embrace competitiveness in all of our programs and activities. We optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of our investments through the use of the competitive merit review process and peer evaluation of programs and activities.

We manage and communicate in a professional and effective manner. We listen intently to our customers, valuing their ideas and opinions. We effectively build consensus for new ideas and directions. We clearly articulate and communicate our values, plans, and activities so that customers and constituencies know what to expect of us. We provide the very best service possible to our customers.

We include all citizens, groups and constituencies, and promote equal opportunity for all. We work to ensure that the scientific and engineering workforce is as extensive and diverse as possible in order to create a more inclusive and robust enterprise